A Word or Two from AKC President & CEO Dennis Sprung
We are back again with updates on some exciting things occurring at AKC. We are honored to continue to share this information with our core constituency. Your unwavering commitment, dedication, continual contributions, and volunteerism to AKC are vital and appreciated.
I want to start by announcing the AKC DNA +Health Kit launching this month. This powerful breeder tool tests genetic health and traits combined with AKC DNA identification! The AKC DNA +Health Kit meets AKC registration and Breeder of Merit/Bred with Heart certification requirements and offers AKC DNA profile plus over 328 markers for health and traits. This tool uses world-class technology to internally validate results and match to each specific dog for verifiable results, which are delivered by Neogen, a reliable service provider with the highest industry standards. Every purchase helps to fund the work of AKC’s non-profit affiliates such as Canine Health Foundation (CHF) and comes with a lifetime access to canine genetic counselors to help make smart breeding decisions.
We are also excited to share and congratulate the winners of the AKC 2023 Lifetime Achievement Awards: Michael Canalizo (Conformation), Curt Curtis (Companion Events) and Laurie Soutar (Performance). The Lifetime Achievement Awards are presented in recognition of outstanding participation and achievement within the dog sport. The finalists and winners are nominated by AKC member clubs and have impacted the sport on a national level through club involvement, judging, exhibiting, breeding, and teaching. Congratulations to these winners, we are incredibly appreciative of all the work they do for the AKC and dog sports.
For more information on the recipients and all of the nominees, visit: https://www.akc.org/about/awards-and-honors/lifetime-achievement/nominees/2023-lifetime-achievement-award-nominees/.
The exciting news continues with the release of AKC’s 2023 most popular dog breeds on March 20th. According to AKC registration statistics, the playful and adaptable French Bulldog is America’s most popular breed for the second consecutive year. The French Bulldog’s popularity continues to surge since overtaking the loveable Labrador Retriever as the most popular breed. The top five most popular dog breeds ranking is as follows:
- French Bulldog
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd Dog
- Poodle
Learn more about America’s most popular breed, the French Bulldog: https://akc.tv/breed?id=824.
View photos of the most popular breeds: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNl7AaZnj1_LYm9DDkSYKK3b3QX7_gvKlP9KhX-LUpWIXj1Nb6bv7sNC1H4dlFIIQ?key=SXlFUUR6Tkk3Y0lBd3pBVEs0VmJCMUF4STI2c0F3
Once again, I am appreciative of your contributions as responsible breeders, exhibitors, delegates, owners, and judges. You are truly what makes us great.